Saturday, September 15, 2012

Almost 15 Weeks!

Life has been completely crazy in the past 5 weeks! I got a new job, moved to a new city (leaving my unsold house behind) and am currently living in a one bedroom apartment with my husband and three dogs. Who knew?? I look at the girl I was a year ago and can't really even wrap my brain around how I got here. But I have to say, I'm really happy. About 90% of the day, I'm happy. I'm so glad I get to be with my husband again. I like my new job (I have insurance and paid maternity leave...praise God!). And I'm still pregnant!

I've still been sick. Every day. Everyone says it will get better after the first trimester, but I'm here to tell you that that may not always be the case. It's so worth it though (obviously). And I'm glad I'm no longer sick and alone and can torture my husband so he understands what I'm going through! Hehe. What's funny is that he has made two purchases at the Motherhood Maternity store now and I have made zero! One was for preggy pops (they don't work) and the other was today for a belly band. My pants are just a bit too snug at this point to where they're uncomfortable to button. Anyway, today when he checked out he got a little pacifier as a gift with purchase...and let me tell you that we have not bought one singe baby item at this point. We really haven't even looked at any baby things. Not because we're superstitious or we had doubts, but because of our current living situation. We're hoping our house will sell soon and we can get into a new house before the baby is born. Ah, well if I've learned anything in my life that God's plan will come to fruition no matter how much I worry about it, so I just pray and trust that He's got it covered. The point of this story is to say that apparently when my husband saw our little gwp, he teared up a little. I think that now that I'm here with him, it's all becoming really real...


  1. Congrats! It is funny, I am 6 days late so I Google: "6 days late, infertile" and this blog pops up. I want to run and get a test, but scared to death of my hope washing away in a matter of 3 minutes...and a waste of $10. We are fortunate to have a beautiful 4 yr old that was a literal "uh oh" going through 2.5 years of trying. You are fortunate to still be young...I'm knocking on 35's door. BUT, so grateful for my daughter...still don't understand this "unexplained" infertility. Give me at least a reason! Your story gives me hope because I know there is a plan for me. Good luck and enjoy every minute! Can't wait to keep up with your story.

    1. Hey Gretchen! I'm so glad you found my blog!! It always helps to know there's someone else out there going through what you are. I may be pregnant now, but I still think of myself as an infertile. I have to pinch myself every day!!! Hang in there and keep hoping even though it hurts. God will bless you more than you know!!! xoxo

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