Tuesday, September 6, 2011


So one of the things that I love so much about kids is the crazy things they say. My mom watches my niece (A), a first grader, during the day while my sister (a single mom) is at work. This is the text I got after she picked up A from school today, enjoy:

Mom: When I picked A up from school this is what she said, "There is this boy and I don't really like him." I asked why and she said, "He blows bubbles with his spit annnd he eats his school supplies." I laughed so hard!

Me: Like he eats paper, glue, chews his pencils, what???

Mom: She said yes to all of the above! Ha. She told him he really should stop if he wants friends. It's just gross.

Me: Hahaha

These are the ridiculous things that only kids say that I feel I am missing out on!! There is a commercial for Tyson chicken nuggets with all of these little kids who say why they don't like certain food and one little boy is so insanely adorable that my husband and I will rewind it and watch it over and over just cracking up. My husband says he wants a "rudey tude little boy", and I know this is why. When I think about having a child that is a mixture of both of our personalities, it reminds me of how much joy a child would bring to our little family and what great parents we would be. And it hurts. I cuddle my puppies and watch them play and I think to myself, "wow, I love these little dogs so much. Imagine how much I could love a child". And it hurts.

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