Tuesday, September 20, 2011


In honor of my first IComLeavWe week, I wanted to set up a fool proof way to navigate my blog in order to find the posts that best speak to you. The past few months have been mostly about me reconciling the decision that instead of "trying" for a baby, I am going to "try" to find a space for peace in my life. So here are a few of my favorite most recent posts in order from the time the decision was made (8) until today (1):

  1. It's Only Okay If I Say It (finding an attitude and spirit of peace)
  2. Always Worrying About Tomorrow (changing my thought patterns)
  3. Sending Out A Big F-You To Infertility (deciding where to put my anger)
  4. 9 Things I Shouldn't Have To Deal With As An Infertile (fun and sarcastic)
  5. My Infertility Story All Wrapped Up In A Bow (writing my IF Timeline)
  6. Knock On Wood (worrying about whether or not I've made the right decision)
  7. Made It Through AF (without calling the doctor to start Femera IUI round 1)
  8. Done Fighting (making the decision to go rogue)

If you're interested in how I got to this point, everything before July 2011 tells the tale of realizing IF, taking a natural approach (aromatherapy, acupuncture, herbs, meditation), 6 rounds of Clomid and 2 IUIs (with all the gory details), all of the stupid things that people say, and being pissed off.

I wrote this blog not only to help myself, but to help others as well, so I can't wait to hear how my words encourage/help/effect/touch/inspire/depress(hopefully not) you!


  1. Hi Kendra! I have enjoyed poking around your blog. It seems that we have a similar IF story, minus living in the bible belt thing. Come visit me at Infertile in a Fertile Land!

    Happy ICLW week!

  2. I think you made a valid point at saying what can and cannot be said to an infertile.

    Were the docs able to give you a pin-point reason for your infertility?

    Enjoy ICLW ! I am #39.

  3. hey there....stopping by from iclw...congrats on your first one :-).
    i also took a break....after so much time going and going, trying and trying it takes a toll on your mind, body, and soul.... i took a total no TTC break....to put the pieces of my heart back together.
    i hope your time away from doctors gives you what you need....all the best

  4. I have been reading some of your blogs, I am sorry that your journey to parenthood has been such a struggle. My hubby has very low morph, I think only 3% normal - have you seen improvement in your hubby's results since taking the herbs? Do you see a doctor or just find them at a store?

    Wishing you peace and hope as you wait.

    ICLW #23

  5. I agree, we do have a lot in common. I loved your post of 9 things IF'ers shouldn't have to deal with!

  6. Wow, could you be more organized (no)? Can't wait to explore your links! ICLW #43

  7. Here from ICLW! I've enjoyed having a poke around your blog! I'm sorry it's been such a long struggle for you. I'd love to be able to honestly say it gets better, but it's been 8 years for us and we're now moving onto adoption. I think you have a wonderful attitude, though! I love that you're trying to focus on the positive things in your life. That's something I'm struggling with myself. I'll be following your journey!

    ICLW #12

  8. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Happy ICLW (#19). I'm glad you are taking some time to find peace in you life right now. It's a hard thing to do in this journey, but once you find it, you will crave it and need to make time for it daily.

  9. Happy ICLW from #28
    Thanks for writing this...
