Monday, October 17, 2011

A Sucker With Low Self-Esteem?

My self-esteem is crap right now.

Maybe it is because I was accused of being terrible at the job I've been doing for nine years.

Maybe it is because my skin has gone to hell from stress.

Maybe it is because I have no time to work out.

Maybe it is because I have no time to be romantic with my husband (much less to shave my legs).

Maybe it is because I put all of my eggs in the baby making basket for over two years and failed.

Maybe it is because I am nervous about putting all of my eggs in a new basket.

For whatever reason, my self-esteem sucks. I feel ugly. I feel out of shape. I feel very crappy.

The reason I am writing these things is because I have found that when negative thoughts are festering in me, it is best to call them out and then be done with it so I can replace them with better thoughts.

I was strong enough to quit my job when it was becoming toxic to me.

I trust that God will give me a baby when it is His time.

My husband adores me.

I have three of the cutest dogs ever.

I am getting to follow my dream of being a hairdresser.

I feel bad for all of the complaining that I seem to do, because I really do have a lot to be happy about. I think everyone must feel like this sometimes. It is not a good place to be, so I hope it doesn't last long.

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