Sunday, November 7, 2010

And To The Infertility Doctor We Went

By May 2010, with our discovery that I had LPD and my husband had crappy sperm, we decided that it was time. As much as I hate Western Medicine, we had tried everything else and needed some help. We went to a Urologist who told us that other than the vitamins and herbs my husband was already taking there was nothing they could do for him, so we decided to take care of what we could, me. I had done all the research on Luteal Phase Defect and knew the doctor would perscribe Clomid. Basically, every time I would ovulate, I would start spotting almost immediately, giving the egg no time to implant. Clomid was supposed to increase my estrogen, causing my body to produce more progesterone, which I was lacking, and creating a longer luteal phase. This was what I had been avoiding for months! We went to an OB who had been highly recommended to us and had some tests done. I went in for a pelvic sonogram and they saw that my tubes were clear, I had no cysts, and my eggs looked good. By the way, if you have never seen a sonogram of your ovaries, it is quite disturbing and will haunt my dreams for years to come. So all we had to do was wait until I started my period and then we would start our first round of Clomid. So as is my nature, my period never came. I knew I was not pregnant, so I tried EVERYTHING to make that evil witch show her ugly face! I went to a holistic doctor who was concerned that I wasn't getting enough iodine and magnesuim and insisted that I use a progesterone cream once I ovulated so that I wouldn't miscarry if I did get pregnant. Not so helpful. And I drank ginger root tea and ginger ale like it was going out of style. I don't know if it was all the ginger, the magnesium, or just simply time, but I FINALLY started my period June 25, 2010 and started my first cycle of Clomid cd3-7.

Stop and consider the wonderful miracles of God! Job 37:14

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